Technology will transform the world, but is it for the best?
With the rise in backlash against tech companies in general, and Silicon Valley in particular, the increase in information regarding the behind the scenes elements of these companies, including The Social Dilemma documentary and the demand from consumers for companies to be held accountable, how can we ensure the tech we’re building today, is benefiting us as a civilization tomorrow?
The rapid advances in technology has made it possible for West Australian founders to capitalize on the growing trends, while staying true to their goals and mission. An example of this is current Plus Eight accelerator participants, Martin McGinty and Blake Cassidy cofounders of their startup Matter. Quoted in a recent article on The West Australian, the pair shared how their world-first patented waste sensor technology for bin use minimises landfill and waste costs. Mr McGinty said his company’s goal was simply to help people manage waste better by leveraging technology. “A lot of people want to manage waste better, but the technology has not been there in the past to help them do that.” he said.
Other examples of Western Australian businesses using technology for good, are both early-stage med-tech company Noisy Guts, who use machine learning to decode gut noises through an acoustic belt that non-invasively and accurately diagnoses and monitors common gut disorders, and ClimateClever, a profit-for-purpose, social enterprise, whose whole reason for existing is to inspire action on climate change.
In a report written by the Australian Government, Department of Industry, Science and Technology on Australia’s Tech Future, their approach to technology transforming the world (along with a well rounded implementation strategy that can be found here) is to ensure our workers are equipped with the skills to continue to succeed. As quoted in the report, “Individuals need to shift their thinking from having a ‘career for life’, to maintaining the skills needed to adapt to changing opportunities.”
Here at Spacecubed, we’re both inspired to support positive change as well as actionably make changes through the companies we invest in as part of our Plus Eight program, as well as enabling founders to build their businesses for the better through our coworking spaces and community.
To join us on our mission in supporting changemakers, partner with us for our 2021 Plus Eight Accelerator Program and be part of real change in WA. reach out to us today at to discuss potential partnership opportunities now, and into the future of work.