Startup WA Amplifies the Growing Technology & Innovation Sector
Over the past decade, the early stage innovation and technology (startup) sector in WA has evolved significantly, but in order to reach its full potential requires additional resources and support. “WA lags behind other states in supporting innovation,” says Director Sam Birmingham, “We’ve identified some easy wins and have already started conversations with the State Government about how these could be implemented.”
StartupWA aims to accelerate and promote the technology startup ‘ecosystem’ that includes investors, technology hubs, accelerator programs, and early stage technology startup businesses. Advocating support from the government is a primary driver and a brief for the government has been published, including a submission to the WA Parliament Inquiry into technological and service innovation. Both documents make the case that technology startups can make a significant contribution to the state’s economy through diversification and job creation.
StartupWA is currently led by a diverse board consisting of startup entrepreneurs and local business leaders:
Justin Strharsky, Managing Director of Synaptor, Director of RIIT Unearthed Brodie McCulloch, Managing Director of Spacecubed Sheryl Frame, Director of Springboard Enterprise Australia, Commercialisation Adviser, Accelerating Commercialisation Zane Prickett, Director of DataResource, Director of RIIT UnearthedMark Shelton, Executive Director of Bloom Samuel Birmingham, Senior Startup Coach at Pollenizer, National Director of Startup Weekend Australia
StartupWA is about ensuring that capacity is built in WA to benefit from technological change. They believe a vibrant WA high-tech sector could contribute over $76B to $100B in GDP in 2025, with 3000 to 5000 new companies formed per year in the sector, creating over 150,000 new jobs by 2025 and enabling many more. For existing startups, add your feedback to shape and inform the Startup ecosystem in WA – complete the 5 min ‘Kickoff Survey’ here.
To be a part of the conversation:
StartupWA – The West Australian
StartupWA Launch Day – Business News