Important COVID-19 Update for Spacecubed community
As many of you would already be aware the WA State Government has issued a lockdown order in response to community transmission.
A 5-day lockdown between 6:00pm Sunday 31st January and 6:00pm Friday 5th February has been put in place which requires many businesses to close and employees to work from home.
Full details of the lockdown can be found here and we will be following health advice throughout the week as this situation evolves.
Below are the actions we are taking to keep our members and broader community safe:
- All Spacecubed spaces (Riff, Fern, FLUX, Murdoch CBD, YHub and Make Place) will be closed from 6:00pm Sunday 31st January reopening 6:00pm Friday 5th February following advice from the Department of Health.
- Lifts and doors of the spaces will be locked all week and only accessible with a swipe card. Security cameras are in use and will be monitored throughout the week.
- If you go to the space after Sunday 31st January at 6:00pm, register using the SafeWA app, wear a mask and also email to let us know you have gone into the space.
- Please share these actions with your team and ensure they are across the health advice. If they do need to get anything from your desk please do so before 6:00pm Sunday 31st January.
We will keep everyone updated through our social media and if anything changes, we will update through email.
Your support in addressing this issue is greatly appreciate as we work together to keep our members, staff and the broader community safe.
Any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at