Humans of Spacecubed: Deb Karajas
Why did you decide to become a member of Spacecubed?
I work as the Administrator for a church that doesn’t have a building, and we needed somewhere to set up an office. Spacecubed had everything we needed and suited our budget, and we loved the idea of being part of a wider, secular community and connected with the city culture of innovation and creativity, rather than being cloistered away by ourselves
How has joining Spacecubed helped your journey?
In my day job it’s meant I’ve got a consistent place to set up my laptop, instead of being a ‘WiFi hobo’ and somewhat guiltily taking up tables at cafes! It’s given us a great place to hold meetings which, helped us work efficiently and grow as a team.
What has your experience been like so far?
Positive! Although as a team I think we are ready to move on to having a dedicated space where we can reliably sit together, chat freely etc. It’s been great being part of the Spacecubed community though, and I hope we can stay connected.
What do you love the most about the Spacecubed community?
Personally I have really enjoyed and benefited from getting to know the staff, and finding out about events like Perth{web}girls where I met some really interesting women who gave me some great leads to follow up for my various community involvements. I love the way it gives a really diverse group of people an easy way to find each other.
When did you first join Spacecubed?
June 2014.
Any business links, professional bios links, projects you are working on etc …
“Who I work for/with: Providence City Church
My other involvements:
Chairperson of Norwood Neighbourhood Association, working to engage the local community in starting up a funky, innovative and responsive neighbourhood hub –
Member of PerthALIVE – ‘All Ages Living In Vibrant Environments': working to promote mixed-use, medium density ‘urban villages’ for all ages and stages, where individuals and communities can thrive and live more sustainably.
Writer (work in progress): As a wannabe urban planner, I’ve started – but no yet launched/publicised – – a website/blog in the making, where I hope to connect with others who have a passion for Perth and want to see it improve as a ‘city for people’ – walkable, safe, friendly, connected, vibrant, and a liveable and affordable place for all ages. Not much time to work on this at the moment!