Community Profile: Lauren Christie from Vitality Works
How did your business journey begin?
Health has always been a passion of mine and during my time in the industry I began to notice a great need for people to adopt a more balanced approach. I stepped out and developed my own personal health coaching business and worked hard at providing a truly holistic experience to all my clients. In doing so, I grew quite interested in health and wellbeing in the corporate sector, which is where I find myself now. I slowly transitioned from my business to full time with Vitality Works, aligning with their values and their holistic approach to health and wellbeing. I really enjoy what Vitality Works is all about.
What are you working on at the moment?
At the moment I am focusing on raising the profile of Vitality Works and bringing awareness to the incredible impact that health and wellbeing services can have on the productivity of a company. I work closely with clients to assess what they are truly searching for in their health and wellbeing space and then suggest and modify our services to meet their needs in a way that influences the individual employee while benefiting the whole company. I care about providing programs that genuinely serve the client as opposed to ones that simply tick a box for them.
What do you love about being a part of the Spacecubed community?
There is a sense that everyone matters. I love that the people at Spacecubed are open and sincere in both networking and supporting like minded businesses. The spaces and teams involved are innovative, interested in one another’s ventures and keen to assist in collaborating down different avenues for our businesses. It’s such a supportive, professional community.
Can you share with us one of your favourite success stories?
I would say my favourite success story was when a client had the goal of improving the communication and collaboration across different departments in their offices while looking after their health and wellbeing. We implemented an 8-week program focussing on their physical and mental health. Our activities were designed to increase communication and improve connection between staff. By the end of the program we saw a marked improvement in the health and wellbeing of the employees, but the greatest result was a phenomenal sense of community had developed between the different departments in the company. This was my most rewarding and all-time favourite project so far.
How have you adapted post COVID-19?
As with everyone COVID-19 taught me both personally and professionally many things, however the areas it probably impacted the most and will continue to do so post COVID-19 is;
- The realisation that connection can come in many different forms. I have made some strong connections with people over Zoom in other states that would not previously have been possible without being in the same office.
- Having an openness to new ways of doing things and being able to move with change is key to both enjoying the work I do and doing it well
- It has put a greater emphasis on the importance of separating work and home life. Working from home without the physical boundaries of the office and home blurred the lines and this had quite a significant impact on my own mental health. Making a conscious effort to create that space has now become a necessity not only for myself but to put my best self into everything I do.
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