Amcom Upstart Update… Halfway there!
Offpeak games
Offpeak Games have released a new version of their multiplayer online combat game which is currently featured on the Oculus Share website. The team is focused is on increasing the amount of time users spend in the game and have recently added Artificial Intelligence units which provide a sense that there is always a medium sized battle happening. The team is currently developing habit forming hooks and features that are amplified by being within the Virtual Reality environment. The team is also focused on building recurring revenue steams through in game micro transactions. Currently there are only a limited number of developer headsets available. Oculus Virtual Reality headsets are set for commercial release in early 2016.
The Snaptch Portfolio App for Models has continued to gain traction with over 5000 downloads from the app store. Tori has been in discussion with leading modelling agencies and is developing a web based platform that will provide insights and analysis of individual model’s social media metrics that will enable them to determine their model rates and justify these rates to clients. Tori will be travelling to Sydney in early August to present at “The Morning of Little Life-Changing Ideas” hosted by Elle Australia.
Homecamp has continued to add camping sites and has received great media exposure including a story on channel 7 news. David and Audrey were on the road in the South West over the school holidays to gain a better understanding of the needs of their customers. Version 2 of Homecamp website has been released which includes an integrated payment gateway to enable bookings to be completed on the website.
Birds Eye View
Birds Eye View have re-branded their product as Team Ahoy. Team Ahoy is an enterprise software application targeting distributed teams and keeps teams informed on everybody’s progress and issues, so everyone has a clear picture of what’s going on. Damian released their first pilot version of software on July 7. There have been 7 versions of TeamAhoy put live since then, with improvements based on learning from pilot teams. Current work is focusing on team engagement. Damian plans to have a full production launch in early August. Team Ahoy already has 23 Active Users including Ajilon , Spacecubed and the Shark Tank’s, Steve Baxter.
Circadyn has re-branded as RestAlert. RestAlert uses information from wearable technology to provide personalised alerts to inform individuals if they are at risk of fatigue impairment and what they can do about it. Felicity has a trial in progress with a small family owned transport company and has interest from Sadlier Logistics, Telstra, Australia Post, Linfox, The Centre for Road Safety and the Australian Logistic Council.
Australian Geotomography
Australian Geotomography have completed development of an RF sensor array which can be placed on the ground to produce a 3D image of what is in the ground below. The technology will be tested on a landfill site close to Perth before deployment is considered in mining exploration. Bryden and Chris have had discussions and have interest from a number of mining companies. Bryden has also become a father with the birth of little Elsie.
Hydralert are close to completing development of their first hardware prototype. Hydralert is a compact device that will be placed in urinals to analyse a person’s hydration level in real time and provide immediate feedback via display. Hydralert have commitments to trial their solution from Chevron, Inpex, Goldfields and Santos
GeomobyGeomoby have been focusing on increasing conversion of users from their free to paid subscription plans and have been pursuing Enterprise level sales for their Geofencing solution. Geomoby are implementing pilots and proof of concepts across a range of industries which include Retail, Hospitality, Banking and Mining.