5 Perth Meetups all Entrepreneurs and Startups Should Join
You’ll feel at home with the Silicon Beach Perth group if you’re interested in entrepreneurship, the interwebs or technology.The weekly meetups are held on Friday afternoons from 5pm and topics range from Bitcoin to investment opportunities to product design.
If you're involved in a startup, or thinking about starting one, chances are you can learn from others that are doing and thinking the same. Morning Startup is a fortnightly morning catch-up where the startup community gets together to learn something interesting, get feedback on idea, vent frustrations, and meet some new friends in the game.
Digital Marketing Meetup Tips and Tricks
Knowing how to market your business online is so important. This group strives to cut through all of the noise to learn effective and actionable strategies for growing your business online. They have both free meetups and paid workshops for entrepreneurs and anyone looking to grow their small business.
There’s a geospatial revolution happening! Geogeeks from all backgrounds with any level of experience are welcome. Open source software has been a key component of the revolution, and it's at the core of the passion that's driving this group. You don't need to be a GIS guru or hardcore developer to get involved, you just need to be keen to learn, teach and build, and join the revolution!
Are you interesting in finding out about the ‘buzz’ around chatbots recently. Find out more about how you can easily implement a chatbot to use Facebook Messenger as a Marketing Tool to achieve open rates of 80% and CTR's of 40%. Learn and share what platforms are the best to suit your needs.