The Spacecubed team predicts what 2022 will hold!
Given the dramatic changes we’ve experienced over the last two years, what are the underlying trends we can expect to see continue in 2022? With an increase in flexible working, a rise in new technologies, a focus on workplace culture and the need for human interaction dominating the conversation over the past twelve months, we can expect to see individuals double down on their learnings, and carve a new path forward for the future.
Brodie, Managing Director: This year we are going to see a step change in how the ecosystem works together to support new ideas and innovation through scaling up programs, events and support across all parts of the community.
Chandra, General Manager: I think one of the key trends for 2022 will be a continued focus on digital and future-focussed skills. Through the pandemic, people have been reflecting on their careers, and with that, we should witness a sharper focus on re-tooling and learning. With borders opening up, Australia will again welcome international students and skilled migrants and that will further bolster our talent pool to be globally competitive. I’m also looking forward to seeing overseas family and loved ones!
Ophelie, Strategic Growth Manager: In 2022, my aim is to expand Spacecubed (working on a project but it is too early to announce anything!) while navigating the uncertainty created by the borders opening and covid spreading in the community. I also hope we can visit family and friends in Europe this year so they can meet the new addition to our family.
Lauren, Marketing Lead: I think 2022 will continue to focus on flexible working, as individuals hold onto their new found work / life balance and relationships that became so important during the lockdown periods. I’m also looking forward to travelling (fingers crossed) and visiting overseas family!
Kate, She Codes Founder: In 2022 I think we will continue to see trends towards technology and innovation, with people increasingly focussed on upskilling. I’m looking forward to seeing what the year holds!
Shanille, Member Experience Coordinator: I think 2022 will be a year of triumphs and challenges, but as we’ve seen Western Australia has adapted quicker in the last 2 years than I think we ever have before. As a community, I think we’re all going to value our friendships and connections more than ever as we help each other through the next transition period of returning to “normal”. Personally, this year I want to grow my networks in the startup world and take up as many opportunities to upskill as I can. I am optimistic for what this year will bring!
Jordan, Member Experience Coordinator: While some employers may start experimenting this year with the metaverse, a virtual reality space with digital avatars, widespread adoption is still a few years off. But new tech will try to ease hybrid work. Employees will demand to be paid in Cryptocurrency and future workers will be managed by decentralized autonomous organisations. Workplace wellbeing will be a priority, coworking spaces and companies will be on the rise, personal and professional development will take centre stage.
Amilia, Project Lead: I think this year there will bring a lot of adaptability in the way we work; from flexible workplaces to how we work with our clients, staff and customers. We’re all in a situation where the future is unpredictable (the last 2 years for example!) and I think this will drive innovation to create more opportunities! Excitingly, I’m hoping to get back into creating more art!
Chris, Community Growth Lead: With how Perth has grown over the past 24 months, I think the continuation of local businesses supporting local businesses will assist with our city's growth and revitalisation. My hope is that Spacecubed can be at the centre of this growth. Personally I'd like to at least break even on attempts to play lotto, or get some great crypto tips!
Hayley, She Codes Technical Lead: I think in 2022 the demand for tech talent will continue to grow and I hope that means more support for organisations like She Codes to help generate that talent locally. I’m also looking forward to not wearing masks anymore, but that might be wishful thinking!
Amandine, Member Experience Coordinator: Last year, I really think we reached a big goal of bringing the Spacecubed community together through connections, mindfulness and events. I hope this year we can create a digital way to continue this awesome quest. On a personal side, I hope I can be reunited with my family. Nothing better than a real hug!
Wendy, Accounts: With the border opening in 2022, I think it will bring both new challenges and opportunities to our business as well as other businesses in general. I am looking forward to going back to the new "normal" life - both professionally and personally. And same with everyone, I cannot wait to travel overseas!
Juan, Developer: I feel 2022 will bring rush and situations to adapt to, and with the knowledge about ourselves and the tools we've been working on for the last couple of years, we will get the most out of it, and definitely keep growing as a company and as individuals. 2022 will see me travelling (hopefully), I love how easy it is to work remotely nowadays!
Natalie, Yhub Community Manager: I am really looking forward to 2022 and what's to come. There’s new opportunities for innovation due to the ever changing nature of the world and great opportunities for new and exciting ways of living/working. Personally, I have a project I am delivering on, while building a house and I look forward to some international travel (maybe)!
Katie, Member Experience Coordinator: I'm looking forward to the creativity that'll come from WA businesses as we re-enter life with the rest of the world with our new roomie COVID and his mates. I think life as we know it will take a cool twist and as a community we will take on what's now known as 'old fashioned' values where we all look out for each other and 'know thy neighbour' - well I hope that's what happens and we don't all become so independent and isolated.
Isidora, Event Coordinator: In 2022, I’m looking forward to creating more networks and connections in various industries both locally and globally. Also, I try to be more fit and active by starting to do more outdoor activities. So, probably you’ll see me either in a networking event in the city or in the bush walk trail around Perth!
We learnt a lot during the pandemic. It’s okay to adapt your offerings, it’s okay to implement digital tools quickly. We don’t have to wait years and years for new ideas, or innovation, we just need people to accept change. If we do that, 2022 is looking pretty cool!
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