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Mindhack: innovative solutions for mental health problems

Aug 24, 2018

Attendees were asked to create teams based on a variety of ideas pitched on Friday evening, and collaborated with other attendees in order to create the best solutions possible. The ideas included innovations that built connections between those living with mental health issues, ways to decrease the likelihood of mental health and eased access to education and research for the general public.

Our panel of judges included; Ms. Maria Halphen, Dr Nathan Gibson, Tamryn Barker, Sandra Burns and Frank Cooper. All experienced in either tech, innovation and/or mental health. The judges chose three of our 10 formed teams, who will now go on to present their ideas at the Meeting for Minds forum on the 27th and 28th of May. These teams were ‘Let’s Chat’, ‘Feel Reel’ and ‘Evolve Understanding’.

‘Let’s Chat’ developed a user-friendly website, which will later be turned into an application, allowing people to connect with others. This technology encourages user connectivity and allowed a platform through which people could share their experiences and provide support for others.

‘Feel Reel’ dealt with the extensive research covering mental health, most of which however is unavailable to those suffering. This idea essentially compressed research papers into short 30 second videos that clearly expressed the key points to users and allowed everyone to understand how the research could make a difference in their lives.

‘Evolve Understanding’ tackled the access of research to people affected by mental health. By taking information provided by global institutions, Evolve aimed to provide a more easily-accessible platform to connect this information with whose lives it will benefit the most.

All three teams delivered interesting and applicable technologies that the mentors and judges were able to see as being viable steps forward in providing solutions for the mental health community.

A second Mindhack is now in the planning stage, Spacecubed are excited to further the relationship and support the work Mindhack are doing for a genuine problem in society.

For more information on how you can engage with events like Mindhack and discounted events and meeting room benefits, join the Spacecubed community here today.

