Marketing tips for startups and small businesses
Choose your social platforms wisely
You don’t need to have an active account on Pinterest, Youtube, Snapchat, Facebook, Tik Tok (and the list goes on, and on!). Find out where your target market is, and use that platform to your advantage.
Focus on the voice of your brand
As consumers, we’re drawn towards brands with their own voice, story and values. So, let your audience know what you believe in, and start building an emotional connection with them. This will set you apart from your competitors, as it’s something personal to you and why you began your journey.
Tip: A great way to share the voice of your brand is by creating a podcast! Speak to us about trialling our podcast studio today.
Investing in tools doesn’t have to break the bank
Being an entrepreneur usually means wearing multiple hats. You’re a graphic designer, a marketer, a product developer and a sales guru, which can be exhausting! But with the help of quality tools, it doesn’t have to be.
Using Canva for your graphic design, creating a free Hubspot account to track your sales or teaching yourself the basics of Google Analytics are all free tools there to help your business succeed.
Refine, refine, refine
Want to know my biggest piece of advice about marketing? Try, test and refine! There’s no one size fits all for marketing, and the best way to learn and to find strategies that suit your business is to try. Then? Refine, measure your results and try again.
Each week, we’ll be sharing tips on growing your startup or small business with insights from each member of our team. Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear about new posts or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!
If you’re ready to get back into the office and kickstart your productivity, book a free tour of Riff or FLUX and discover how the Spacecubed community can help your business get back on track.