Humans Of Spacecubed: Karen Wellington
Why did you decide to become a member of Spacecubed?
I like being part of groups, but actually there are not that many groups that I feel compelled to become a member of. I feel there’s something special about the Spacecubed community. Though everyone is from a different background, there’s that common spark in the eye; an interest in doing things differently, making things better and having fun along the way. I decided to become a member because I wanted to be around these kinds of people.
How has joining Spacecubed helped your journey?
“Though I only visit Spacecubed occasionally, in the last few years it has played the backdrop to some of the most pivotal moments in my life.
Back in 2012 I responded to some tweets from Linh Le and Joel Miller, strangers at the time, calling out for potential volunteers for a big reboot of the TEDxPerth event. I was one of only a small handful of people who showed up, but from that initial meetup I then became involved in a big way. TEDxPerth was pretty much the focus of my life for the next two years, fit into the gaps between work and sleep :). And yes, we held our meetings at Spacecubed.
It was an awesome experience to be part of the high-performing team led by Linh and Joel, in putting on two huge conferences at the Octagon that I like to think, changed the way Perth thought and felt about itself for the better.
Then around 2013 I was looking to make a change out of a secure and comfortable government job into something more dynamic. I think I was held back in part by a fear of the unknown, which seems ridiculous to me now. At that time I was able to get some perspective and advice from Brodie, which gave me that little bit of extra bravery I needed to make a change.
Funnily enough I found out about the job that would be my transition, via the Spacecubed Yammer Network (one of the only places it was advertised). That job is with the Fogarty Foundation – a philanthropic family foundation and my focus is on enabling coding clubs for children. I have been hosting training sessions for volunteers at Spacecubed, coaching new club coordinators and getting new mentors on-board. My life has changed in so many ways after the job transition I knew I needed to make. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you to listen to your gut!
Another Spacecubed moment: earlier this year I attended the U.Lab; Leading from the Emerging Future MOOC meetup hosted by Katie Stubley at Spacecubed. This experience was a significant one for me this year. The people I met and the conversations that were had gave me a whole new perspective on how I operate and how to be a better person. Thank you, Katie!
These days I am learning more about technology and entrepreneurialism. I would like to start experimenting with this soon, and I know when I do there’ll be plenty of support available. Just knowing this lowers the psychological barrier. Everyone needs to start somewhere.
Thanks, Brodie, Ophelie, Tom, Kate and Clare! Thanks, Spacecubed!”
What has your experience been like so far?
“I only come to Spacecubed for the occasional event, or to work for a few hours every few months or so.”
What do you love the most about the Spacecubed community?
“What I really like about Spacecubed is the huge range of interesting events. Everything from technology, entrepreneurship, start-ups, creativity, education; I really love the mix.
I don’t really like industry events, conferences or places that only attract and hold people from that one industry. I am attracted to environments that support interdisciplinary and collaborative exchanges – so much more comes from this!”
When did you first join Spacecubed?
I don’t remember! I think maybe 2012 or 2013.
Any business links, professional bios links, projects you are working on etc …