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Female Focus - Danielle Dinse

Mar 12, 2018


Danielle Dinse met her business partner Kim Kristoffersen after returning from an extended career overseas. As Danielle was looking for a new way to drive her career, and both of them had a compelling passion to bring people into projects for success they both ‘clicked’ on change management. Creating a company rather than individually consulting was a natural outcome when they looked at their respective experience. They both found the opportunity to put together a company to bring talented freelancing experts together and dramatically increase the success of transition for companies in Perth & Australia very exciting. They started with a three month trial period to explore the opportunity and then jumped into STARTConsluting Pty Ltd.

Women in the Field

Danielle doesn’t see much difference being a women in her field, but does admit there is a “a natural difference between men and women in our personalities, preference and values”. When there are “communication challenges”, Danielle takes notice and looks to her peers to help her navigate. She believes that, “When you have a majority of any gender there’s a possibility of lack of variety in thinking and working styles.” When starting out in her career she, “never saw any difference between gender in Tech or working together”. In fact, early on, it took a mentor to explain the difference between men and women in the workplace and how personalities and culture come into play.

Role Models

When asked about her female role models, Danielle replies, “I’d like to cite local Perth women who I admire and have taken time out for me as I build my Perth career: Lyn Hawkins, Sue Pember, and Katherine McKenzie.” She also notes that, “learning and emulating leadership wherever it is happening is important, so I’d also like to cite Ita Butrose for demonstrating how to survive and thrive in challenging environments and her platform of aging women workforce.” With many new female CEOs coming on board Danielle will be watching closely, i.e. Elizabeth Gaines at FMG.

Success at Spacecubed

Danielle credits Spacecubed with, “being the incubator for [her] transition from corporate manager to business owner and entrepreneur”. She further explains that, “it’s a unique environment in Perth that allowed [her] to get amongst entrepreneurial thinking and start-up culture enabling me to grow and develop our business.” She also loves the networking opportunities Spacecubed provides, in particular Meet the Maker and the Future of Work events.

In 2018 Danielle is hoping to build on her initial success through growing their client list and collaboration. In particular they are meeting with companies to create change transition strategy and practical solutions for success to adapt to changing market conditions. Danielle is also launching the People Centred Implementation (PCI®) Practitioner public course. If you can see an opportunity where you could make a difference, please put your name forward or get in touch.

Find out some more ways we're celebrating International Women's Day at Spacecubed.
