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Community Spotlight: Raj Bimbrah, Aida Group

Mar 2, 2018

This week's candidate is Raj Bimbrah, Sales & Marketing Manager of Unify (Aida Group). Raj has been working in our spaces for a year and a half and has continued to grow a successful and profitable business since week one of entering the community.

What are you working on at the moment?

My business is in direct sales. I build and train sales teams and outsource them to bigger companies in all sorts of industries.

What do you enjoy most about the Spacecubed community?

Definitely the community itself - the people, the feel, the atmosphere and the easy-to-access staff and mentors. It’s a great system that works well and the feel isn’t too corporate, which is cool.

How did your startup journey begin?

I worked on accumulating a set of skills and eventually ended up in a position where the next step, apart from being promoted, was to run the business myself. So I took the skills I had in my normal 9-5 job and am now using those to run the business myself.

Who would you like to connect with most?

I would like to connect with other sales experts and sales coaches that I could collaborate with and leverage off as well.

Can you share with us a success story you've achieved during your time at Spacecubed?

Since week 1 I’ve been able to operate my business in the green. I started the business on my own, and have managed to grow my team to 6 during the time I’ve been working here.

What do you hope to achieve in 2017?

To have the number 1 office out of the 24 in the organisation across Australia and New Zealand. I’m aiming to grow my team to around 20 employees, with 2 managers trained up and to be able to open up 2 more offices in New Zealand and the East Coast - most likely the Gold Coast.

For more information visit www.aidagroup.com.au.
