Just recently, we’ve been increasing the opportunities for our community globally. One of our key values is to put Perth on the global startup and entrepreneurial map as a world leading city for innovation. As such, we’ve got some great global outreach events coming up which might benefit you professionally and your startups and businesses.
Event number 1: Have you always wanted to go to an OxBridge university?
Cambridge University Judge Business School has just launched a part-time, distance learning Masters in Social Innovation (see more course details here). With teaching and research elements in equal measures, this programme is ready made for practitioners to study whilst working in any sector, including for non-for-profits.
As part of encouraging our community to apply for admission onto this course from one of the best universities in the world, we will host a one-to-one chat session with Belinda Bell, Director of Cambridge Social Ventures.
Keen to learn more about the exciting prospect? Belinda will be at Spacecubed on Friday 11th of November from 12pm onwards, to answer any questions and share her global knowledge on Social Innovation. Simply follow this registration link and book your chat with Belinda.
Event Number 2: Find out about the opportunities for Australian startups globally and in Israel
Coined one of the leading innovation epicentres of the world at the moment, Omri Wislizki (Landing Pad Tel Aviv Manager) will be at FLUX on Monday 31st October to share his extensive knowledge on the opportunities for Australian Startups in Israel.
Join Omri in FLUX’s Hinkler boardroom here, and explore the Tel Aviv opportunities for your startup.
Omri’s experience helps Australian entrepreneurs and the different stakeholders in the Australian business ecosystem in:
Sign up here and open the door to global innovation today.