We've listened to your feedback and have launched our new, revamped Intensify Scholarship.
Now ongoing throughout the year as a rolling programme, Spacecubed’s Intensify Scholarship Programme provides an important base of unlimited coworking, expert weekly mentorship and access to its community of over 800 members comprising of entrepreneurs, startups and corporate innovators.
If you have a startup idea but aren't sure how to get those business cogs turning, this is the programme for you.
Applications are now open all year round making the Spacecubed Intensify Scholarship in 2017 drive real results. An exciting opportunity to immerse your startup and creative business ideas within Spacecubed’s innovative startup community to grow no matter the season, is now available.
“The intensify scholarship doesn’t only provide mentorship and growth for your business, opening opportunities, but it also helps you professionally develop as an entrepreneur, Founder and innovator,” said Johnny Doan, Spacecubed’s Community Manager.
If you have an exciting idea and are at the beginning of your startup, business journey, apply for the Intensify scholarship using the form below, and join an alumni of innovative Perth startups including Covocate, Sciosity, Prevyou (recently participants on the Vocus Upstart accelerator) and many others.
Here's what's in it for you:
The Intensify Scholarship
3 months based at Spacecubed full timeAccess to weekly events
Access to Networking opportunitiesWeekly expert mentorship sessions - gain expert advice and grow your business
Meet, grow and accelerate your ideas at SpacecubedGrow not only your business, but as a founder and entrepreneur too
Hustle, build and establish strategy, plans and make inroads into your businesses longevity and future
We encourage female entrepreneurs, indigenous businesses and those who are new to Perth to apply.